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6 Smart Tactics Top Digital Marketing Agencies in India Use to Rank Websites on Google

Digital Marketing Company India August 7, 2023

When your website does not appear in Google’s search results, do you get frustrated? How will you entice the target audience ⁠ and achieve the best rank? Look no further! In Google search results, our techniques can help ⁠ improve your site’s ranking with digital marketing.

These strategies are not your ⁠ ordinary techniques, no. They are the secret weapons used by the best digital marketing companies that provide top notch SEO services in India.

1. Keyword Research: Top SEO Services in India

In order to rank websites on Google effectively, top digital marketing agencies in India employ a comprehensive keyword research strategy. Here are the key tactics involved:

a. Identify relevant keywords and phrases

Determining the audience of the website and selecting the keywords ⁠ accordingly is the initial step for website optimization. ‌

b. Use keyword research tools

Utilizing keyword research tools, digital marketing agencies can determine the search volume and competition level for different keywords.

c. Target long-tail keywords

Top agencies understand the importance of targeting long-tail keywords to capture specific audience segments. These keywords may have lower search volume but can bring in highly targeted traffic.

2. Improve on-page elements

A website’s search engine visibility can be enhanced ⁠ through the optimization of several on-page components. Here are some ⁠ key tactics:

a. Optimize meta tags, titles, and descriptions with targeted keywords

SEO requires the use of ⁠ meta titles and descriptions. Incorporate targeted keywords naturally within these tags to improve search engine rankings.

b. Organise content structure using header tags (H1, H2, etc.)

Search engines and users can benefit from using header tags ⁠ to better understand a website’s content and organization. ⁠Incorporate relevant keywords within header tags to further optimize on-page elements.

c. Optimize URL structure

A user-friendly URL containing the primary keyword improves the ⁠ user experience and helps search engines locate it. ‍

d. Optimize image alt tags

Including relevant keywords within alt tags helps search engines understand the image’s context, ultimately improving the website’s SEO.

3. Construct Backlinks from Trusted Sources for Digital Marketing Agencies in India

Google rankings may be enhanced by having ⁠ high-quality backlinks for a website. Here are some effective ⁠ tactics to consider:

  1. Identify authoritative websites relevant to your website’s niche.
  2. Create valuable and engaging content that can attract natural backlinks.
  3. Reach out to industry influencers and request backlinks or collaborations.
  4. Focus on building diverse and natural backlink profiles to improve rankings.

4. Make engaging material

Top digital marketing services in India provide high-quality and unique content. Here are some strategies for ⁠ creating valuable content:

  • Use relevant keywords naturally

When creating content, incorporate relevant keywords naturally within the text. This helps search engines understand the context of the content and improves SEO.

  • Utilize various content formats

Different audience segments have different preferences when consuming content. Use various formats like articles, blogs, videos, infographics, and more to cater to these preferences and engage a wider audience.

  • Regularly update and refresh content

Regularly update existing content with new information or statistics and refresh outdated content to maintain its value and usefulness.

5. Optimize for mobile devices

In order to make your website mobile-friendly, consider the following:

a. Mobile-friendly design

Make sure your website’s design adjusts ⁠ according to different screen resolutions. This guarantees a pleasant mobile experience ⁠ when browsing the internet.

b. Page loading speed

Optimize your website’s loading speed for mobile devices. If your page takes too long to load, your visitors can become frustrated and leave.

c. Responsive design

A website’s elements and layout are altered to fit ⁠ the screen size when using responsive design. This ensures the same functionality and ⁠ aesthetic on various devices.

d. Mobile-specific SEO techniques

Optimize your website for mobile-specific SEO strategies. This includes implementing schema markup, using keywords that align with voice search, and focusing on local SEO.

6. Track and evaluate progress

The website’s performance monitoring is significant to ⁠ gauge the digital marketing campaign’s impact. ​Here are some key steps to monitor and analyze your results:

  1. Track Organic Traffic: Utilize analytics tools like Google Analytics or SEMrush to monitor your website rankings on search engine result pages (SERPs) and track the organic traffic coming to your site.
  2. Monitor Keyword Performance: Pay close attention to the performance of specific keywords. Recognize the keywords generating the most natural traffic and ⁠ conversions, and find the keywords not performing effectively. ‍


Top digital marketing agencies in India employ several smart tactics to rank websites on Google. Agencies conduct keyword research, optimize on-page elements, build high-quality backlinks, create valuable content, and optimize for mobile devices. If you are looking for expert advice to boost the rankings of your website, call Indian SEO company, and let the experts take your website to new heights.

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